Tuesday, November 27, 2012

facebook Comments

Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray of the late social networking site Facebook to comment on two girls arrested on aggravated in the case of Government Thane Police Superintendent and senior inspector is suspended by the High Court, Bombay mamal. be sure not to see furniture rsta class magistrate transferred.

Significantly, the Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thackeray on November 18 on the day of the funeral of 21-year-old Shaheen dadha, Thackeray's name on Facebook without friends like his, by renu was stock hurt local Shiv Sena leader. it's their complaint of inciting people against emo us. not only that Shaheen's uncle's clinic some Zug demolition. the police both girls Had the arrest followed all "freedom of expression" sparked debate on the issue.

Chief Minister prithviraj Chavan and all-round opposition, Home Minister RR Patil has assured appropriate action. in the case of an officer of rank for IG investigation was assigned responsibility. investigative reports found that the police officer did not take seriously the right decision if he would have taken time. so not so blown up the case report says that both girls catches. the lawsuit under so severe against currents To enter due to the sense behind. both provoke religious feelings and intent wrong on post charge.

On the basis of the report the Government has songanvakar [rural] Ravindra, Superintendent of police, Thane and suspended senior police inspector Srikanth pingale, while senior police superintendent Thane [rural] to combat nishandar warned.

The magistrate was also on this question that he didn't look carefully at the case. He did not see what the charges are against girls and why. 15-15 magistrates, Shaheen and renu thousand bucks while Shaheen's uncle to sabotage the 7,500 rupees in the clinic's private muchlake was given bail on. High Court magistrate transferred immediately effect ramchandra bagde.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sandy Storm

Last days on the East coast of the United States came from the devastating storm that Sandy did not come even a people and their difficulties are increased from Hurricane Athena. Sandy already devastated New York and New Jersey because of heavy rain, snow and strong winds due to the power of 60 thousand homes on the roads due to freezing Gul. transportation and rail services due to the storm stalled. have 1,700 flights fend. HoweverThe storm weakened by this pointed Sandy. on Wednesday the Mayor of New York and New Jersey by President Barack Obama to the information sought.

National's wider service, said Athena name storm from the East Coast northward. due to rain and snow – to grow in the Middle atlatik and areas. the Department has reduced the speed of 60 mph in coastal areas the wind and snow over the next two days in the New England area of New York and ashka is nurtured in New Jersey. rains come we also ashka.

The storm was due to fly to fend of these New Jersey 1710 to newark airport, New York. lizard and JFK airport most flights of parryon. New York, New Jersey, connecticut, pennsylvania and Massachusetts due to rain and snow stalled traffic. the devastation caused by these States due to Sandy's still not restored the power of 1.81 million homes.

Supply company says that new storm to restore power due to the delay in New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's may said the power was restored the homes they are in the dark. rakaave of Queens resident Christina Jones [73] said he and neighbors who remained in darkness. they fear that if he moved so his looting.