Saturday, November 26, 2011

Youth Are Responsible

Sonakshi Sinha Says:-
Today's youth are responsible to society. Kraud I am a responsible young. By the time we are moving forward. If we are doing something for yourself what is the harm in that? But if some day later, if you take the time it would be good for society. After filling their pockets will put some money into the pockets of the other so it will Atmsuk. Today we think about and to society. Just a slight change in concept has come to think of ourselves first. To the other. But think he says. Virtual World is open to all. If we make a change at that level is if anything better than this. As far as I'm concerned that I get whenever I definitely do something for society. I do get the time to help people. Either way it might be. If I call a voluntary body, so I'll go anywhere. The charity is encouraging. What's the harm?The industry, nothing is too good in all cases.